Oil Products Trading

»  Our experts perform the trading of various types of petroleum products and fuels in Black Sea and Baltic Sea regions;

»  We provide Oil Products Trade consulting to our customers including marketing services, prices monitoring etc.

»  The basis of success in business and in our relations with our partners, we believe competence, mutual respect and fulfillment of commitments in time.


Our company is an independent trader and broker working on marine fuel market and related services. The company specializes in organization of bunker operations, mainly in Baltic Sea and Black Sea areas.

IT Services

- We provide hosting and housing services;
- We create high-tech computer networks, providing reliable and convenient fully secured access to necessary information;
- We create and maintain websites in accordance to the requirements and desires of the customer;
- We organize corporate e-mail with interactive access to it in many European languages.
Using modern technology and our special formulations helps to save on communication costs, especially in those companies where these costs are significant.
Reliability, security and ease of access to information at minimum cost - the main components of our service!


  • Trade Reg.No.:  FN156714m

  • VAT-No.:           ATU 42217800

  • Tax-No.:           12 184 / 7412

  • Legal and postal address:

  • Hofherr-Schrantz-Gasse 2-2-6 ♦1210 Vienna ♦ Austria

Last three Annual Financial Statements:

© AlenOil Handelsberatungsges.m.b.H. 1997-2024